Pan Pan - anarchist refugee needs $ for food and rent

He says, “I am from Yangon but I am currently a refugee in Mae Sot (Thailand). I was born into a Buddhist society. For me, there is no God, only social justice. Religious people in the Myanmar clerical class have been swayed by corrupt, power hungry, hate mongering politicians. I believe that instead of donating money to build Buddha statues with gold, it’s more important to feed refugees and homeless people.

I was a volunteer organizer for Food Not Bomb Yangon movement and I took part in the revolution against the military junta after the coup d'état. I relocated to Mae Sot (Thailand) following the military's announcement of the conscription law.

I’m currently trying to organize a “Books not Bombs” movement in the refugee camps near Thai-Myanmar border to help children in the refugee camps gain access to proper education.

I will spend the $ on rent, food, and utilities.”