Kaung Si Thu - anarchist fugitive needs $ for food and housing costs.

He says, “Anarchist writers I like are Bakunin, Peter Kropotkin, Proudhon, Emma Goldman and Max Stirner is perhaps my favorite. His book, The Ego and It's Own, has changed my views a lot. Punk bands I like include Sex Pistols, Crass, Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Discharge, Bad Religion, and punk bands in Myanmar. For me, Anarchism means autonomy, self-discipline, self responsibility, consciousness and rationalism. I might soon be translating articles on anarchism.

I took part in the strike at Yangon West University, aware that our grievances would not be heard. I participated by throwing Molotov cocktails during protests. Authorities responded with rubber bullets, smoke bombs, and live ammunition. Arrests and imprisonments ensued. I sought refuge in North Shan state where I remain. The duration of this revolution will likely be protracted.”